Friday, May 15, 2020

The Limits Of The Criminal Sanction Written By The...

The criminal justice system is finding ways and doing their absolute best to prevent crime and protect their citizens. Preventing crime is not an easy job, the system prevents crime by using their powers to arrest, prosecute, and sentences criminals to prison. Citizens need to feel safe in their environment that they are living in. However, since we are living in a constitutional and democratic society, where citizen rights need to be protected and have due process where people can be innocent until proven guilty. In the book entitled The Limits of the Criminal Sanction written by the criminologist scholar Herbert Packer describes the criminal justice system in America as the outcome of the competition between two value systems between crime control and the due process models. Herbert Packer constructed the two models: the crime control model and the due process model to represent the two competing systems of values operating within criminal justice. In the Packer’s theory abo ut the crime control model and due process models demonstrate how the criminal justice system way to prevent crime and maintain their rights. Also, it shows the tensions between the two models for the conflict and disharmony that now is observable in the criminal justice system. In this paper, I will give Herbert’s thoughts on the crime control due process models, comparing contrasting these between these two models and conclude my thoughts on the crime control due process models. In

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